Our Purpose
For more than 60 years, Redwood Memorial Hospital has enjoyed tremendous community support.

Investing In Our Community
Individuals and generations of families have chosen to make Redwood Memorial Hospital their principal philanthropic choice for restricted and non-restricted gifts, and in honor or in memory of loved ones. The Foundation dedicates its funds to priority capital needs, core programs, scholarships and new program support.
You are invited to join the Redwood Memorial Hospital community of donors. Your gift will make an important difference and will help ensure that the ever changing and expanding needs of our community are met – both inside and far beyond our hospital walls.
Why Support the Mission of Providence
As expressions of God’s healing love, witnessed through the ministry of Jesus, we are steadfast in serving all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable.
We reach out to those in need and offer comfort as Jesus did. We nurture the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of one another and those we serve. Through our healing presence, we accompany those who suffer.
We foster a culture that promotes unity and reconciliation. We strive to care wisely for our people, our resources and our earth. We stand in solidarity with the most vulnerable, working to remove the causes of oppression and promoting justice for all.
We value, encourage and celebrate the gifts in one another. We respect the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. We recognize each interaction as a sacred encounter.
We set the highest standards for ourselves and our ministries. Through transformation and innovation, we strive to improve the health and quality of life in our communities. We commit to compassionate, safe and reliable practices for the care of all.
We hold ourselves accountable to do the right thing for the right reasons. We speak truthfully and courageously with generosity and respect. We pursue authenticity with humility and simplicity.